Cnc Backplot Editor 1.0 16
Offline version of INTERCON conversational programming, for use with Windows desktop PC* - Program parts in the comfort of your office. - Program while the machine is running a job. - Easy part program transfer from your PC to the control via LAN or USB. - True G-code backplot graphics, see exactly what the machine toolpath will be. - Use on the same PC as your CAD system. - A USB Keylock allows user to install software on as many computers as you want. - Offline programming USB keylock is shipped the next business day. - Works with Windows 7/8/10
cnc backplot editor 1.0 16
*************************************************************NCPlot v2.33 Release NotesApril 17, 2016Configuration ChangesThe wildcard search character has been changed from the asterisk "*" to the question mark "?" in the interpreter customize list. The configurations that are included in NCPlot have been updated to the new search character, but if you have customized configurations then the wildcard characters will need to be updated manually.A new configuration page has been added called "Macro B Settings". This page contains settings that allow you to configure NCPlot settings related to macro functions.Bug FixesWhen the "K" or "Q" addresses were used in an M98 block their values were incorrectly being adjusted by the coordinate resolution setting. If the coordinate resolution setting was not "1.0" then this caused the "K" "Q" values to be incorrect.Fixed a bug in the run time estimation calculations for lathe. This bug only affected linear feed moves while constant surface speed was active. The calculated move time was too low for moves where the spindle RPM was being clamped at either maximum or minimum RPM during the entire move.In certain cases the "Replace" tool will skip the next match after a replacement is made. This is fixed.When manually adding system variables to the variable display window the maximum allowed variable number to add was fixed at 50000, this has been changed to the maximum variable number specified on the macro settings page.ImprovementsChanged the behavior for saving files. Now when a file is saved the file being overwritten will be moved to the recycle bin before the file is saved. This will allow you to recover older versions of the file.Updated the behavior for messages created by setting the system variable #3006. You now have the option of cancelling program execution when the message is displayed.Changed the behavior for the program line highlighting. Whenever a line in a program is selected the program display will update so that the selected line is near the center of the program window whenever possible. This makes it much easier to see upcoming program blocks when stepping or animating through a program.Improved handling of system variables on the variable display window. You can now add a range of variables when the 'Add System Variable' pop up menu item is clicked. Enter the start and the end variable numbers separated by a dash like so: "5041-5044". You can now also remove more than one system variable at a time by selecting all variables to be removed and either pressing 'Del' or clicking the 'Remove System Variable' popup menu item.Improved handling of breakpoint expressions. When an expression is typed into the 'Break Expr' box and 'enter' is pressed the entered expression is added to the breakpoint list. Clicking the arrow at the right side of the box will show the current list of break points.New FeaturesAdded a new tool to the "Tools" menu called "Repost". This tool will convert the active viewport graphic into G-Code. This works solely from the graphic and produces simple 3 axis code.The DXF export tool now supports exporting rotary axis motion. If your backplot includes rotary axis motion then the saved DXF will now accurately represent the viewport graphics.Added support for named macro variables. The macro statement "SETVN" has been added and uses this format:SETVN500[NAME1,NAME2,NAME3,etc...]The value following "SETVN" is the number of the first variable to set.Added new features to the variable display window:It now includes a column for variable names.The right-click popup menu has 3 new selections. They are "Edit Variable Value", "Edit Variable Name" and "Delete Named Variable".Added new features to the find dialog:Find and replace now supports using wildcard characters. The wildcard "?" will match any number of characters and can be used multiple times in a single search term.There is a new button for "Find All" which will expand the find dialog to show search results. Every program line with a match for the find text will be added to the search results. Clicking a line in the results box will select the corresponding line in the edit file.
*************************************************************NCPlot v2.26 Release NotesSeptember 9, 2012As of NCPlot v2.26, the MachinistToolbox(tm) plug-in is no longer supported.Bug FixesA test routine for the G71 lathe roughing cycle had been left enabled and could cause bad geometry to be created when plotted. This routine is not yet complete and has been removed.Fixed some display problems for systems that have the desktop DPI set higher than 100%.The run time estimation report was always showing the rapid rate from the machine configuration rather than the setting on the run time estimation page, this is fixed.Viewport window selection now works properly with motion elements that include rotary axis movement.The block renumbering tool was not properly handling blocks that use numbered block skips, eg. "/2". This is fixed.The block renumbering tool was improperly updating blocks containing keywords that begin with "GOTO". Some controls use the keywords "GOTOB" and "GOTOF", NCPlot will now ignore these keywords when renumbering.Fixed a bug in the subprogram formats that allow specifying a target block number. The subprogram call was incorrectly jumping to a block in the same program rather than the target program if a matching block number was found. This has been fixed.ImprovementsThe display of rapid motion on the backplot now includes rotary motion. This includes all three rapid types: interpolated, dog-leg and Z first/last.Improved the calculations for the length of motion elements that include rotary axis movement. This will improve run time estimates for programs that include a rotary axis.Improved the find / replace functionality. The Replace All tool is now case-insensitive and now works when a line break (^M) is included in the find or replace text.Improved the handling of the machine configuration folder. This will enable selecting a configuration folder that is not a sub-folder of the NCPlot installation folder.The viewport modal display will now hide H and D addresses when their value is zero. The H and D modal values will also be reset to zero when a tool change is commanded so that these addresses will only be displayed when a new offset has been commanded.Made some changes to the Remove Redundant Endpoints tool to prevent removing endpoints from blocks immediately after a tool change, from offset activation blocks and a few others.The file comparison tool now uses the active font settings for displaying the files to compare.Added support for G10 to most of the included machine configurations. This is done by means of a G10 macro that supports G54-G59 and G54.1 P1-P48 work offset setting.New FeaturesAdded a new setting to the machine configuration "G/M Code" setting page. This setting allows the canned cycle repeat address to be set separately from the M98 repeat address. Either address "L" or "K" can be selected.Added a new rotary axis type. This new type treats the rotary axis endpoints like a linear axis. If the rotary axis is commanded beyond 360 degrees it will rotate back the same amount when going back to zero regardless if it passes through zero more than once.Added a macro variable renumbering tool. This tool will display the macro variables that are used by a program and will allow you to renumber them. This tool is found under the "Calc / Renumber Variables" menu.Added rapid rate settings for each axis to the machine configuration. These settings allow for more accurate backplotting of dog-leg rapid motion and are only enabled when this rapid type is selected.Added a setting to the preferences window called "Disable colorizing for files larger than xxxx KBytes". As the name implies, this setting allows you to set a size limit for colorized programs. Large files can take a significant amount of time to colorize and this setting will help alleviate that by automatically disabling it. Setting this value to "0" will disable this feature.Added an interpreter customize page to the machine configuration. This page adds a greater degree of flexibility to the backplotter by allowing you to find and replace text as the program is being interpreted. This does not modify the program being edited, it simply pre-processes it before it gets to the backplotter. This will allow the backplot to do things like ignore specific G-codes, interpret non-standard G-codes and keywords or replace the standard G-codes with custom macros.Added a system variable that indicates which address has been selected for the rotary 4th axis. The variable is #5110 which will contain one of these values: 1=A, 2=B, 3=C, 21=U, 22=V and 23=W. When used in a macro statement the rotary axis commanded value can be retrieved with the statement "#[#5110]".Added support to the Haas machine configuration for G47 text engraving. Supports literal string, character and serial number engraving.Added two new scripting functions to support the "Convert coordinates to ABS" and "Convert coordinates to INC" tools. These functions are:NCPlot.NCPConvertCoordToABSNCPlot.NCPConvertCoordToINCAdded an option to the renumbering tool to renumber existing blocks only. This has also been added to the scripting function NCPRenumber as Rstyle 4.